Wednesday, 19 June 2013

BlackBerry Scholarship Program 2013 (for Females only!)

Before you start the application process
Please note that all applicants must be female and entering their first year in a field of study involving Science, Technology, Engineering or Math at an accredited four-year college or university, and display an interest and/or aptitude in the mobile computing space.
Below are the items you will need to provide during the application process. Before you start, ensure you have them ready, as there is no way to save or resume your application at a later time once the process has begun. Please also note that after 1 hour of inactivity, the form will time out.

  • Personal info - name, email address, home address, etc
  • Completed education info - secondary and post-secondary
    • School name(s) and address(es)
    • Graduation dates
    • Course names, cumulative G.P.A., class rank and exam results (if applicable).
    • Any post-secondary education that you have already completed, including course names, cumulative G.P.A., years in attendance, and what degree you completed
    • A PDF copy of official transcripts
    • Details of course(s), or aspects of courses, related to mobile computing, including major subjects and course reference numbers where applicable*
  • Work, extracurricular activities, volunteer and organizational history
  • Financial info - tuition costs, other scholarships and financial sources
  • Recommendation letters from two sources - one from a teacher or academic advisor, and one from a personal, non-family acquaintance such as an employer, coach or community member, submitted as PDFs
  • Awards and/or distinctions
  • Post-secondary academic details - a PDF copy of your acceptance letter, or some equivalent proof of your intent to register

An essay of 2,000 words or less, submitting as a PDF or written/pasted in the form field, using the following questions as guidelines to aid in your writing:
  • Why should you be a recipient of a BlackBerry Mobile Computing Scholarship?
  • What effect on your education would this scholarship have to your ambitions?
  • How have you demonstrated leadership skills in your life, through extracurricular activities, part time work or school?
  • Does any attribute, quality or skill distinguish you from everyone else? How did you develop this attribute?
  • Describe an experience from your own life where someone has inspired and influenced you.
  • What does the future world built on mobile computing mean to you?
  • What would it mean to you to be supported by a female mentor from BlackBerry?
  • From your experiences, what are your educational and career goals?
  • What will completing your degree, through a scholarship, mean to your career and future?

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should click the link below:

Application Deadline 5pm EST on June 26th, 2013


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